The Sikh Code of Conduct, known as the Sikh Rehat Maryada, provides guidelines and
principles for Sikhs to follow in their daily lives. It was formulated by the Shiromani Gurdwara
Parbandhak Committee (SGPC), the apex religious body of Sikhs, to ensure uniformity and
consistency in Sikh practices. While the Sikh Rehat Maryada is not considered a rigid
set of rules, it serves as a general code of conduct for Sikhs. Here are some key aspects of
the Sikh Code of Conduct:
Belief in One God: Sikhs are required to believe in one formless, omnipresent, and timeless
God, and to have faith in the teachings of the ten Sikh Gurus and the Guru Granth Sahib.
Wearing the Five Articles of Faith: Sikhs who have been initiated into the Khalsa, known as
Amritdhari Sikhs, are expected to wear the Five Ks, which are the external symbols
of Sikh identity. These include Kesh (uncut hair), Kangha (a wooden comb), Kara (a steel
bracelet), Kachera (a specific undergarment), and Kirpan (a ceremonial sword).
Naam Simran and Prayer: Sikhs are encouraged to engage in regular meditation and remembrance
of God's name, known as Naam Simran. Daily prayers, including the recitation of specific prayers and
hymns, are considered important for spiritual growth.
Equality and Social Responsibility: Sikhs are expected to treat all individuals with
equality, respect, and dignity, irrespective of their social or economic status. They are encouraged
to engage in selfless service, contribute to charitable causes, and work towards the betterment of
Dietary Guidelines: Sikhs are advised to not to consume of alcohol, tobacco, and other
intoxicants is discouraged.
Moral Conduct: Sikhs are expected to adhere to high moral standards, practicing honesty,
integrity, and humility. Engaging in immoral or unethical behavior is considered against
the Sikh principles.
Family Life and Gender Equality: Sikhs are encouraged to maintain strong family ties and
fulfill their responsibilities towards their families. Gender equality is emphasized,
and Sikhs are expected to treat women with respect and equality.
Participation in Community Life: Sikhs are encouraged to actively participate in the life of
the Sikh community, including attending Gurdwara services, engaging in congregational
singing (kirtan), and participating in community events and programs.
It's important to note that the Sikh Rehat Maryada provides general guidelines, and
individual Sikhs may interpret and practice certain aspects of the code differently.
The Sikh Code of Conduct is intended to promote the values of Sikhism and guide Sikhs in
leading a spiritual, ethical, and socially responsible life.